How to Make a WordPress Theme

If you are looking into how to make a WordPress theme, keep in mind there are couple ways you can do it. You can choose to learn how to make a WordPress theme by using an easy tutorial, or you can use a design theme like the WordPress Thesis Theme to get started.

Learning how to make a WordPress theme can be easy or difficult depending on how familiar you are with WordPress and web development and programming. If you are new to any of those elements, don’t worry because learning how to make a WordPress theme is still pretty easy if you have the right tools.

To get started learning how to make a WordPress theme, it is first  important to establish your level of expertise when it comes to building and web development. If you are completely new to any sort of website design, then don’t worry because there are still tools out there that make building your own WordPress theme a pretty easy process. There are lots of reasons one might consider wanting to learn how to make a WordPress theme:

  • You can create your WordPress theme exactly how you want it to look.
  • You get to have a WordPress theme style that is all your own and doesn’t look like every other WordPress theme on the web.
  • You can also save money on not having to purchase a WordPress theme from another developer, which means you can continually make your website more and more themes if you like to spice up the look of your blog without breaking the bank.

To get started, it is important to have some programming skills especially if you plan to start learning how to make a WordPress theme from scratch. Using a tutorial like the one from ThemeShaper is a great way you can make a WordPress theme in 11 easy lessons. However, if you are new to programming, web design language and building your own website in general, it might be a good idea to consider an alternative to learning how to make a WordPress theme for your WordPress blog.

Other options you might want to consider for building your own WordPress theme include using a tool like the WordPress Thesis Theme. While this is already a theme and does not allow you the luxury of building your WordPress theme from the ground up, you can still have full creative control over your WordPress theme, which is an amazingly useful way to build your website theme if you are new to any kind of web development. The WordPress thesis theme works by allowing users to build a theme system that allows for the creative control to design your website exactly how you want it to look. It includes tons of different tools instead of already giving you an overall look with color scheme, fonts, etc. Instead, you get all of that to choose from instead of having it come with a package already designed for your blog.

The best part about using a tool like the WordPress Thesis theme is that it gives you creative control, but you don’t have to be a professional programmer, or even a programmer at all to get started. You get the control to choose your own color scheme, fonts, layout structure, posting style, etc. While this is a tool you have to purchase, it might save you both time and money in the long run of having to learn the ins and outs of a programming language like PHP to even build one solid theme. Plus, many WordPress users consider the WordPress Thesis Theme to be an investment because you can use it to spice up your theme as you wish to change fonts, colors, sizes, etc.

Regardless of the way you attempt to learn how to make a WordPress theme, there are couple of things you need to keep in mind before you begin. There are certain development standards for building a WordPress theme that must be adhered to when you build  your theme. First, the WordPress theme must be coded to fulfill these standards:

  • Keep your theme well-structured with error-proof PHP and valid HTML.
  • Use clean and valid CSS.
  • Make sure you follow the design guidelines in the Site Design and Layout rules in the WordPress codex.

Magazine WordPress Theme

Building your own magazine WordPress theme is just one of the options you can consider when you are trying to find a magazine WordPress theme for your WordPress blog or website. You can also opt for a free magazine WordPress theme, or choose to buy a premium WordPress theme.

For those considering a magazine WordPress theme, there are lots of options to consider. Magazine WordPress theme options are actually among some of the most popular layouts for WordPress blogs. They are great to look at and easy to manage for those who have a lot of posts on a single web page.

If you are interested in displaying your online magazine on your WordPress blog,  you want to find a great magazine WordPress theme to showcase it more like a magazine style. There are quite a few very specific features that come with a WordPress magazine theme. For one, the magazine layout is very reader friendly and can accommodate lots of pictures, slide shows, video and content. You want a magazine WordPress theme that is going to be both creative and professional. To attract your readers, it is important to make sure your layout is appealing to the idea as well as fun and functional. Having a website with tons of pictures is important. Those in journalism know the power of photo journalism, which means making sure your magazine has great pictures that tell a story. Find a fun magazine WordPress theme that showcases those photos at their fullest potential.

Magazine WordPress Theme Options:

There are quite a few options available online for those looking for the perfect Magazine WordPress theme options for their WordPress blog. It all depends on how much you want to spend for this blog theme, if at all. There are plenty of free WordPress themes available online if you choose to go that option. If you are looking to create a blog that is free and easy to manage, this is the best way to go. However, if you find as you go over time you develop quite the following and you want to spice up the look of your site, you might want to consider purchasing a premium WordPress theme for your magazine WordPress theme. This is a great way to invest a little money, but really come across to your readers as innovative and professional. If you sell ad space, or have pay-per-click ads, you can definitely afford to have a magazine WordPress theme from the premium WordPress theme selection.

If you want a theme that is custom designed for your online magazine layout, that is a possibility you can opt in to as well. However, it might be slightly more expensive to hire a web designer to build this for you. Or if you already have some computer programming skills, you might want to just invest your time to build your own magazine WordPress theme exactly how you want it to look. You can add in cool features like bold headlines and fonts, captions for your photos and pull-out quotes to emphasize content within each article. You want to make your WordPress website easy to navigate so readers can have quick and ready access to your top magazine articles.

To find the best WordPress theme for your magazine layout, choose the most appropriate one for your content. If you are offering hard news and informational articles, you might want to consider building a magazine WordPress theme that offers a clean, sleek look. If you are building a theme that is for creative and interesting articles, make sure your colors pop and draw in the reader through interesting fonts, picture slideshow widgets and other features. Also, make sure you leave enough room on your magazine WordPress theme to accommodate certain WordPress plugins like the Twitter widget and the calendar widget or RSS feed widgets. These are great tools you can use to link your online magazine to important websites, other news feed information. Make sure you search around when it comes to choosing your magazine WordPress theme because there are literally hundreds to choose from that you can use for your WordPress blog.

Simple WordPress Themes

Using WordPress simple themes is a great way to enhance the look of your WordPress blog without trying too hard. Don’t overwhelm your customers or website visitors with too flashy colors and clutter. Check out simple WordPress themes to give your blog a sleek and professional look.

Simple WordPress themes are among some of the most popular choices for many WordPress bloggers. Because these simple WordPress themes are also often free WordPress themes, they become an extremely viable option and something new bloggers might want to consider when building their website.

There are tons of simple WordPress themes available online for free if you know where to look. Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy for you to login to your WordPress admin control panel and learn to quickly and easily switch between the themes you have downloaded for your WordPress blog. Choosing the best WordPress theme for your blog is an important part of establishing what kind of look you hope to present with your WordPress blog or website. Having a blog that is too flashy or filled with too much stuff like unnecessary features and clutter, you are not going to impress any of your website visitors. If you are using your WordPress blog to help make some extra money online, you are definitely going to want to make sure and choose a website design that looks clean, simple and professional. If you are trying to sell a product, you don’t want to overwhelm your potential customers with too much flash and clutter. That will simply be too much to handle and not effective in attractng and bringing back repeat customers.

Instead, choosing a simple WordPress theme is a great way to go. That way your customers can see how your theme compliments what you are trying to showcase or sell instead of being overwhelmed with too many colors, odd prints and too much other clutter like unnecessary WordPress widgets, plugins and more.

Simple WordPress Themes:

There are a couple different ways you can go about getting simple WordPress themes for your WordPress blog. First, it is important to decide whether or not you are willing to pay for such a service. There are tons of great premium WordPress themes available online that give WordPress users a great-looking website. However, if you are not looking to pay for your simple WordPress theme, it might be a good idea to dig a little deeper into the masses of free WordPress themes that are available. There are some options avialable, but you might have to be selective to truly find the best theme for your site. If you do choose to go with the free WordPress route, it is important to make sure and choose a WordPress theme designer that offers secure themes. Sometimes themes have embedded links hidden to use as a security risk, so be careful when you choose your WordPress website designer.

Other WordPress Theme Options:

Next, it is a good idea to consider alternative options. Using your own web design tools like Artisteer is a great opportunity to also build your own simple WordPress themes for your website. If you are looking for simple, but want to customize exactly how your website will look, using a tool like Artisteer can help you get there. Using a tool like WordPressThesis theme is also a great option to consider when you are looking for something to help you build your own simple WordPress theme. If you like to switch between themes frequently to spice up the look of your website, choosing an option like Thesis or Artisteer is a great investment. You are paying for the initial service, but you can build as many WordPress themes as you want, exactly how you want them to look!

WordPress News Themes

WordPress themes like the WordPress news themes are great tools to help create an online WordPress news source for your news WordPress website.

There are a variety of WordPress news themes to choose from. Depending on what type of news or information you plan to features on your WordPress website. With so many WordPress news themes to choose from, you can focus on a variety of topics that you want to cover in an efficient story-telling way.

If you are looking for a WordPress news theme that looks great but is also affordable, you have plenty of great WordPress news themes to choose from. There are tons of popular news websites throughout the web that use the WordPress content management system as well as a great looking WordPress news theme to create a great online news source. One way to get started toward finding the best WordPress news themes for your website is to do some serious shopping around. You can find a variety of WordPress themes that are premium or free depending on what you are looking to pay and how much you want to save on your website service. Using WordPress CMS, you are already going to save money on hosting your website with WordPress.

How to Find the Best WordPress News Themes:

Another good thing to keep in mind about shopping around for the best WordPress news themes is that  you can find websites that will give you inspiration about how to set up your own news source. Perhaps you want to set up a news website about your own online business. You can find a way to connect your blog to your online business website and gear traffic back and forth between the two sites. You can find a great looking WordPress news theme that compliments the look of your online business website.

If you are sticking with a hard news approach, you are going to want to find a WordPress news theme that looks, clean, sleek and is easy to run. If web browsers are coming to your site to find breaking news, they are going to want to view a website that loads quickly and easily and is not slow. Otherwise they will simply check out a different news website to get their information. However, if you are taking a more soft news, or magazine-style approach to reporting the news on your WordPress website, you are going to want to find a WordPress magazine theme, or try finding a WordPress news theme that caters to the more creative feel. You can find such a wide variety of these WordPress news themes for your website, that you won’t have an issue being able to find what you are looking for.

Choosing a WordPress News Theme:

Simply keep in mind how much you are willing to pay for such a service. There are many pros and cons to using free WordPress themes. However, there are also pros and cons to using premium WordPress themes. It all depends on how much you want to pay for the service, if at all. The best part about using WordPress themes is that you can choose several different themes for your WordPress blog or website and switch them in and out by changing your WordPress theme to find the one that works best with the functionality and look of your WordPress website. Keep in mind that you can also use these great-looking WordPress news themes just about anywhere with any kind of WordPress website you want. You don’t necessarily have to use the news themes just for news-type websites. Have fun using WordPress news themes for whatever kind of WordPress blog or site you plan to create.

How to Decode a WordPress Theme

Keeping your WordPress blog or website secure is important, which is why learning how to decode a WordPress theme is a good idea. If you find that you have an encrypted WordPress theme, then it is essential to make sure and learn how to decode a WordPress theme like that or consider choosing a new theme for your WordPress blog.

Learning how to decode a WordPress theme is an essential part of keeping your WordPress blog or website secure. Learning how to decode a WordPress theme is a great tool to have because here is no legitimate reason that a theme designer should be encoding the theme in the first place.

Before you begin learning how to decode a WordPress theme that has been encrypted, it is important to learn that it is best to avoid using a theme that has been encrypted in the first place. WordPress encourages users to avoid using encrypted themes because often times, the designer has used the theme coding to insert and hid malicious code. While decoding your WordPress theme might help to get rid of any malicious coding that was hidden there in the first place, it is not a fool proof way to protect yourself and your WordPress blog. If you are using an encoded WordPress theme and didn’t realize it, but really like the look of your WordPress theme, you can try decoding it to help enhance your WordPress security.

Because many WordPress users, especially those that use their WordPress website to host an online business, rely on tough WordPress security features to ensure important and often financial information is not stolen or lost. However, sometimes switching the look of your website too much by changing the entire theme can be confusing for some viewers, so the website administrator might choose to simply go with learning how to decode a WordPress theme rather than change themes altogether. If this is your intention, keep reading to learn how to decode a WordPress theme and to enhance the security of your WordPress blog.

How to Decode a WordPress Theme:

Depending on your type of coding for your theme, there are online decoders that can be used to decode your WordPress theme that seems to be encrypted or obfuscated. Check out the WordPress codex forums to learn more about these online tools. Depending on the type of theme you have in your WordPress theme, there are certain decoders for certain types of interface. This thread will help you distinguish which theme yours is decoded as and how to decode it and repaste it back in your theme. This should help clean up the garbage in your theme. However, keep in mind that your code still may not be free of the security risks or malicious coding.

If you still seem to have problems with your WordPress website, it might be a good idea to consider just switching themes. While you may think you have found the best WordPress theme on the web, it is important to keep in mind that there are thousands of free and premium WordPress themes available to be chosen from based on your website type, interests, and whether or not  you want to pay for a theme. Sometimes, unless you feel you can completely rid the code of malicious intent, it might just be a better idea to get a WordPress theme that is properly coded without being encrypted, and is not such a hassle to deal with when designing your WordPress website or blog.

How to Remove a WordPress Theme

Learning how to remove a WordPress theme is a great way to keep your website up and running smoothly and efficiently. How to remove a WordPress theme is actually pretty easy to do with your WordPress blog if you follow this helpful tutorial.

There are several reasons to learn how to remove a WordPress theme including if you just want to shake up the look of your website by changing the overall look and theme of your site. Getting rid of the extra by learning how to remove a WordPress theme is a great way to clean up your WordPress control panel.

Taking care of theme housekeeping by learning how to remove a WordPress theme is a great way to still allow you as a WordPress user to test drive a variety of themes, but get rid of those that are unnecessary after you make a decision on your theme.  While it may be a good idea to hold on to a few of your favorite themes, so you can change quickly and easily if you desire to spice up the look of your site, it is still a good idea to get rid of the themes that you know you won’t be needing to use anytime in the future.

How to Remove a WordPress Theme:

To get started removing a WordPress theme from your site, you are going to need to check the Administration menu and clicking on Presentation panel to make sure the theme you are looking to delete is not currently being used. If you are not using this current theme on your WordPress site, it is a good idea to now to get rid of the theme. Open your website using an FTP program, and look in the wp-content/themes/ folder for each of the specific themes you want to delete from your control panel. At this point all you have to do is simply highlight the folder of the theme and delete it.

If you are one that also keeps your WordPress website directly on your hard drive, you are going to want to go to the wp-content/themes/ folder again and delete the unwanted themes folders. This will help preventing you from re-uploading that theme in the future. The best part about using WordPress and using the variety of premium themes, free themes and custom themes on your WordPress site is that there are so many to choose from that you can constantly be updating your site with a new theme. Or you can at the very least be incredibly picky when it comes to choosing the theme that works just right for your WordPress blog. However, in order to avoid your themes taking up too much space as you continue to try out new looks for your site, you are going to want to repeat this deletion process as often as you need to in order to get rid of the extra themes you don’t need or have no desire to use. However, just be careful to check and make sure you don’t delete the theme you currently have in use for your WordPress site.

Organizing Your WordPress Themes:

It is not a bad idea to hang on to some of the extra WordPress themes you have when you are learning how to remove a WordPress theme. You are just going to want to be careful  and organize them accordingly so you don’t delete these themes you want to hold on to for your blog in the future. Especially if you have purchased a custom or premium theme, deleting a theme prematurely can cost you money.  You might also want to consider optimizing your templates and style sheet, which is just a normal part of being a website designer or developer. This type of activity is pretty exclusive to those who have designed their own website templates or WordPress themes. Be sure to get rid of the extra spacing in the coding that does not need to be there. Hidden spaces listed after coding can accidently make the file size even larger. You don’t need more than an extra blank line spaces before some of the code to separate it from the rest of the text. Delete those extra lines. Using all of these tips are helpful for those who are looking to learn how to remove a WordPress theme and to keep their themes clean and organized.

WordPress Thesis Theme

WordPress Thesis theme is a great tool for your WordPress blog to build your website using whatever creativity you wish to use with your WordPress website. Using WordPress Thesis gives you the tools needed to add your own creativity to this WordPress theme.

Learning how to get the most out of your WordPress Thesis theme is a great way to enhance the quality of your WordPress website as well as take advantage of all the blogging tools the WordPress Thesis theme has to offer WordPress users to create an awesome blog.

Get WordPress Thesis Here!

The WordPress Thesis theme works by providing WordPress users with a theme building system so users will have more creative control over building their own WordPress theme. If you are a WordPress user and like the idea of having a ready-made theme to use for your blog, but also enjoy having creative power over how your blog will look, The WordPress Thesis theme is a great idea to consider. It is important to note that WordPress Thesis is a different WordPress tool than your typical theme template. Instead, WordPress Thesis works more like the building blocks of a theme, which is why WordPress users will have the opportunity to build their theme from the ground up but have all of the tools needed to do so. There aren’t any programming requirements that come with WordPress Thesis, so just about anyone who is new or even inexperienced with web design can still build a great looking WordPress blog.

Installing WordPress Thesis Theme:

To get started using the WordPress Thesis theme, it is important to first install the Thesis tool using the WordPress content manage system control panel. From the design options menu, you can first choose the layout of the theme. Depending on what you plan to do with your blog, you should make it look professional or creative depending on the type of audience you want to attract. For businesses, a professional style layout would be a better option than something that is all over the place. However, if your blog is just for fun or to promote a creative project, then choosing a more creative layout is a better way to attract those types of readers.  After you establish the layout portion of working with the WordPress Thesis theme, you will need to select the typography for your text, add any padding, change the color scheme, sidebars and more. The best part about using a tool like the WordPress Thesis theme is that it can be changed at any time. If you are often looking to change up the overall look and style of your WordPress blog, then using the Thesis theme is a great option because you won’t be continually having to pay for additional premium themes for your blog. You can just redesign your WordPress website using the tools with WordPress Thesis.

Using a WordPress Thesis Theme:

​There are quite a few benefits to using a WordPress Thesis theme on your WordPress website. As previously mentioned, the ability to change around the look of your website quickly and easily on a whim is a huge drawing point to the convenience of WordPress Thesis.  Many who are new to using WordPress or have little to no experience in programming websites, WordPress Thesis is a great option to still have creative control over your website, but it also is not difficult to use and requires no knowledge of programming languages. This means just about anyone can use the WordPress Thesis theme and take advantage of all of the great WordPress services this theme building system has to offer. If you check out our WordPress Thesis review, you can learn more about this great tool for your WordPress website. It can’t hurt to give WordPress Thesis a try to see if it works for your website. Another one of the great aspects of using WordPress Thesis theme for your site is that you can still add plenty of other WordPress tools like plugins and widgets to your site as well. Interactivity tools work great with WordPress Thesis and can help bring in higher traffic to your WordPress blog. This is especially great if you are using your blog to make money or to sell your products from an online business. Having an increase in customers often relies on the look and functionality of your website. With WordPress Thesis you can make sure your customers and blog readers enjoy visiting your website.

Best WordPress Themes

Just because someone claims to have the best WordPress Themes does not mean what they consider to be the best WordPress theme has what you are looking for. This article offers tips on where to find the best WordPress themes to suit your specific website needs.

The features that everyone needs in a WordPress theme are some of the basics: the theme should be compatible with all the main browsers, display properly on differently-sized monitors, use web-safe fonts, and be checked for functionality, whether using the Theme Check plugin or by some other means.  It should also be compatible with the latest version of WordPress.  After that, “best” becomes a matter of what your plan to do with WordPress, and that point, matters of taste and purpose-specific functionality come into play.

One of the first things to consider is if you want a theme that’s ready to use or if you want to have a lot of input into how the theme displays. If the first, you’ll need to find a theme that meets your requirements from the get-go.  If the second, you’ll need to find a theme with the flexibility and innate possibility to go where you want to go.

Another thing to consider is whether support and ongoing development are important to you.  If not, you free yourself to look for free WordPress themes that you may have to provide your own fixes for should a problem arises.  If so, you may choose to pay for a premium theme that the developer is invested in maintaining, upgrading, and supporting.

A further big question is whether you are looking for a theme to use in developing multiple websites, in which case, you want to be able to take off the original developers name and do your own thing with it.  Thesis is an example of a theme that can be used in this way.

If you want only a single page blog vs. an ecommerce with with multiple categories vs. a site that contains a gallery of your photographs vs. a site that you plan to use for affiliate marketing and AdSense ads, you’re going to seek different qualities, looks, and features.

Where to Find the Best WordPress Themes

Since “best” is relative, looking for themes that meet your qualifications for best can be a challenge.  Here are some tips:

  • Look for WordPress sites that you admire.  Then scroll down and find out what theme was used to design them.
  • Visit collections of “best” or “high quality” themes offered by design sites that you trust.  An example of a site that might meet your needs in this regard is Smashing Magazine
  • Go to the websites of designers whose work you admire and see what they’re offering.
  • Go to sites that sell many different designer’s themes, like ThemeForest and look there:
  • Crowd source your design specs with a “contest” at a site like 99 Designs


WordPress Video Theme

By adding a WordPress video theme to your WordPress blog, you can easily increase your website traffic, functionality and overall appearance of your WordPress blog. If you are interested in vlogging, using the best WordPress video theme is a great way to get started.

There are a few reasons to consider adding a WordPress video theme to your WordPress blog. To increase web traffic and expand your WordPress website interactivity, simply add a WordPress video theme to spice up the look of your WordPress blog or website.

When you are considering adding a WordPress video theme to your WordPress blog, it is good to know that they are many options available to find the best WordPress video theme. By adding a WordPress video theme to your blog, you can easily increase your web traffic to  your website as well as add a new perspective on your regular content through descriptive video. While a picture can say a thousand words, a video can tell even more. With the sound and video capabilities that comes with adding in WordPress video themes, you are sure to get more visitors just because website users enjoy having the multimedia features right at their fingertips.

Fortunately the WordPress video themes are easy to set up and use with the WordPress blogging platform. There are many options available to find the best WordPress video themes. All you have to do is know what you are looking for and what you are willing to spend to enhance your website. While there are some WordPress video themes that are free, there are also plenty of premium WordPress video themes available as well. To determine which option would work best for you, check out some of the best WordPress video themes like Groovy Video. This is a great blogging theme to add video blogging (vlogging) to your WordPress website.

Other interactive WordPress video themes include Elite Video, Video ZOOM, Video Flick, Vidley, On Demand and so much more. Some of these themes are premium while others are free and available for immediate download, it all depends on what you are going for when it comes to the look and functionality of your WordPress website. To find the best that works for  you and  your blog, you can always check out the free WordPress video theme options first to find if you can save money by going with the free download to see if that is something that works with your WordPress site. However, some online businesses or websites featuring tons of web traffic might want to invest in having a more interactive and feature-heavy WordPress Video theme.

Some of these features you should look for when it comes to looking for the best WordPress video theme include style customization options. In addition, some of these themes are straight forward, simple and don’t allow much room for customization. However, other WordPress video themes do allow for more customization, which is a helpful addition if you want the theme to be custom fit to what you want your blog to look like. Other helpful features to have with your WordPress video theme include the ability to add logos, widgets, plugins as well as advertisements if you plan to use your blog to make money. You can also work to find a WordPress video blog that also includes instant view for videos, featured content and custom menu options. It is also important to make sure and get a video theme that is also compatible with the latest version of WordPress and also allows for easy upgrades. This is the best way to ensure your blog is able to stay functional and current.

Adsense WordPress Themes

Adsense WordPress themes are helpful when you are looking into using Google Adsense to make some extra money online by blogging. Because WordPress is a content management system, it is so easy to use these Adsense WordPress themes to get more money by advertising your blog and advertising on your WordPress site.

In order to understand AdSense WordPress themes, you need to know a little something about AdSense, as well as a little something about WordPress themes.  AdSense is an application for serving ads owned by Google, Inc. Enrolling in this program gives website owners access to per-impression or pay-per-click revenue-earning advertisements on their websites.  The choice of which advertisements to serve is made by Google based on website content, plus the location of the site visitor. The bank of advertisements comes from companies that have chosen to advertise through Google AdWords.  Advertisements may be text only or include images or multimedia.  A website owner could use AdSense ads on his or her own site and also use AdWords to advertise his or her products or services on other websites.

WordPress is a content management system, used by many as a blog, but also used to build more complex website pages that may combine a blog with static pages. WordPress offers a number of GPL licensed themes on its site.  These themes do not contain sponsored links.  The decision not to include themes with sponsored links was taken in July, 2007.

Themes may be free or premium.  In the world of WordPress, premium means that you pay. had 135 total themes in its showcase in August, 2011, but none of them were characterized as AdSense themes. Also in August, 2011, had 1415 free themes in its free theme directory, of which 16 match a search for “AdSense.”  The themes vary in the number of main columns, having the sidebar on the left or right, having a background image or not, having a header image or not, and the placement position designated for AdSense to fill, but all offer AdSense support or claim to be “AdSense ready.” There is a designated place in the format to hook up with an AdSense feed.

There’s one problem, though.  Unlike the plug-ins, which have a designation noting their most recent update and compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, the themes on do not carry this.  And only two were uploaded in 2011, which could mean that the majority of  themes might not be a good fit with the latest version of WordPress.

The WordPress availability of AdSense WordPress themes does not give a good sense of how many are actually available.  A Google sense turns up far more. Do not look for the word “AdSense” in the theme title.  AdSense-ready themes, may or may not have names that include a reference to that aspect of their design, and in some cases—like Diabolique Spring, Wordsmith Blog, Clearness, or Karma—there is no clue in the theme name of any relationship to AdSense.

When you search for an AdSense WordPress theme, look not only at the particular choices mentioned above, such as number of columns, sidebar placement, and AdSense position, but also for the amount of control you have (i.e., what elements can you change), the level of support or upkeep the developer offers, and the number of downloads the theme has already had.  If you can find reviews, they may be helpful prior to committing to a critical element of your website.