How to Add JavaScript to WordPress Posts

Learning how to add Javascript to WordPress posts is a helpful bit of knowledge to have especially if you plan on using JavaScript in your WordPress blogging posts. If you do, JavaScript can be a little complicated, but it is important to remember to keep it simple and you will have a successful WordPress website.

Learning how to add JavaScript to WordPress posts is a pretty easy part of running a WordPress blog. To run many applications, JavaScript is a helpful tool to have. Learning how to add JavaScript to WordPress can make running those applications a lot easier.

JavaScript will work easily within WordPress if you know where to add it. That is why it is a good idea to know how to add JavaScript to WordPress posts. Typically JavaScript is used within the template files. However, if you want to post JavaScript directly into the post, it is a different process. For those who don’t use PHP, JavaScript is great and many still rely on it to run certain applications on their website. While some recommend using PHP in place of JavaScript, there are still some that are more comfortable using the latter in their website or WordPress blog management.

How to Use JavaScript in WordPress:

To get started using JavaScript repeatedly within your WordPress website, it is a good idea to either set teh call fo rthe JavaScript or the script itself. You will do this in the head of the header.php template file. This will go in between the meta tags and the style sheet link. This process shouldn’t be any differently than you you were using JavaScript in any HTML page. Then, to load the JavaScript file into the website, in the head add this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/emailpage.js"></script>

Be sure that you define the type correctly because your WordPress website or blog will not validate without it. Now, in the spot where you are planning to use the JavaScript, set the call for the JavaScript you want.

How to Add JavaScript to WordPress Posts:

Now if you are considering using the JavaScript in an actual WordPress post, you are going to need to take a few extra step to properly learn how to add JavaScript to WordPress posts. To use the JavaScript, you might be doing so for a few instances, so the previous JavaScript-adding steps are unnecessary. If you are only doing this for the occasional JavaScript usage, you will need to put the script into a JavaScript file and then you will have to call it out from within the WordPress blog post. Make sure that each script is defined by its function name within the post. You will then have to include both the call to the script as well as the post itself.


<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/updatepage.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

There are also ways to use multiple JavaScript Files inside one post or one web page of your WordPress blog. Just make sure you are writing al of the JavaScript references in the header.php. Another easy way to make sure you are doing this part of the process correctly is to check by using the Text Control Plugin. This will allow you to control on a global or per post basis. This will give you the ability to turn off WordPress automatic formatting features. This is helpful because it will allow you to avoid turning the code into something readable instead of executable. Just make sure you set the options on the WordPress blog post you plan to use the JavaScript on No Formatting. Make sure you save and continue editing the post so you can see the Text Control Plugin options.