There are several reasons to learn how to remove a WordPress theme including if you just want to shake up the look of your website by changing the overall look and theme of your site. Getting rid of the extra by learning how to remove a WordPress theme is a great way to clean up your WordPress control panel.
Taking care of theme housekeeping by learning how to remove a WordPress theme is a great way to still allow you as a WordPress user to test drive a variety of themes, but get rid of those that are unnecessary after you make a decision on your theme. While it may be a good idea to hold on to a few of your favorite themes, so you can change quickly and easily if you desire to spice up the look of your site, it is still a good idea to get rid of the themes that you know you won’t be needing to use anytime in the future.
How to Remove a WordPress Theme:
To get started removing a WordPress theme from your site, you are going to need to check the Administration menu and clicking on Presentation panel to make sure the theme you are looking to delete is not currently being used. If you are not using this current theme on your WordPress site, it is a good idea to now to get rid of the theme. Open your website using an FTP program, and look in the wp-content/themes/ folder for each of the specific themes you want to delete from your control panel. At this point all you have to do is simply highlight the folder of the theme and delete it.
If you are one that also keeps your WordPress website directly on your hard drive, you are going to want to go to the wp-content/themes/ folder again and delete the unwanted themes folders. This will help preventing you from re-uploading that theme in the future. The best part about using WordPress and using the variety of premium themes, free themes and custom themes on your WordPress site is that there are so many to choose from that you can constantly be updating your site with a new theme. Or you can at the very least be incredibly picky when it comes to choosing the theme that works just right for your WordPress blog. However, in order to avoid your themes taking up too much space as you continue to try out new looks for your site, you are going to want to repeat this deletion process as often as you need to in order to get rid of the extra themes you don’t need or have no desire to use. However, just be careful to check and make sure you don’t delete the theme you currently have in use for your WordPress site.
Organizing Your WordPress Themes:
It is not a bad idea to hang on to some of the extra WordPress themes you have when you are learning how to remove a WordPress theme. You are just going to want to be careful and organize them accordingly so you don’t delete these themes you want to hold on to for your blog in the future. Especially if you have purchased a custom or premium theme, deleting a theme prematurely can cost you money. You might also want to consider optimizing your templates and style sheet, which is just a normal part of being a website designer or developer. This type of activity is pretty exclusive to those who have designed their own website templates or WordPress themes. Be sure to get rid of the extra spacing in the coding that does not need to be there. Hidden spaces listed after coding can accidently make the file size even larger. You don’t need more than an extra blank line spaces before some of the code to separate it from the rest of the text. Delete those extra lines. Using all of these tips are helpful for those who are looking to learn how to remove a WordPress theme and to keep their themes clean and organized.